Monday 11 July 2011

First Words

Born into a dairy farming family but growing up in a manse, I've spent all of my life in South Australia, sharing the past 28 years of life with my husband Tom and loving time spent with our 3 adult children. Through God's great grace my 30 year nursing career has now been re-directed into pastoral ministry and I'm currently serving as Associate Pastor at Parkside Baptist Church.
One of my greatest joys is seeing peoples' lives transformed through honest engagement with Scripture. This course is an opportunity for me to grow in my ability to move beyond words in communicating the gospel.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on getting your blog online. Thanks for having a go at learning a new skill, and for your willingness to say yes to God in your ministry. I love your explanation of joy in seeing peoples' lives transformed through engagement with Scripture. I hope the week is that for you and for all of us,

